
Showing posts from June, 2022

Leadership and Speaking Up

I don't recall as I was growing up ever hearing about leadership or certainly learning how to lead. I never had a mentor or someone I could truly look up to for guidance so I made assumptions. One was about speaking out. I watched business leaders and many were quiet. They didn't speak out about injustices in our world. I'd always been very verbal fighting for myself and others but I assumed if they weren't publicly speaking out then maybe it was because doing so would reflect badly on them. Maybe people would just view them as complainers. So I stopped speaking out. But it was uncomfortable. I set out on a journey to learn about leadership in hope I could learn to lead like all those business leaders I was watching. During my journey I discovered it's okay to speak out but I should do so with passion not anger. I can raise the heat but manage how high I allow it to get. I've started speaking up again, with passion not anger. Today I'm still watching busines